Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Junke, Volume 26: March 2, 2015

Field trip to "Hamza" weather station!
A few notes before all the pictures that will show how much fun the last week and half has been. We are starting our final project in our inquiry of the weather. Students are researching the climate and weather of a city of their choice. The catch is that we are all writing about the same day in January! This week we also began writing our own original weather myths. In these myths, students explain an element of weather and why it exists today using their imagination and creativity. Our science experiments continue as well: weather vanes to find wind direction and others. We have made snowflakes, which are made of snow crystals. You should try making them at home! Even more, we explored the Tashkent weather station "Hamza". In math, we are finishing up our study of landmarks (using important numbers) to help us solve arithmetic and word problems. We are working really hard to master our multiplication facts and fun songs like the one's listed below will only help. Try listening and singing along whenever you are feeling like dancing to good music. This Friday, Feb. 27 6:00-7:00pm is the talent show for 5,000 soum. Please come to support the many talents of our school. Lastly, Spirit Week is going to turn TIS upside-down. Be a part of it! Join in the silliness and dress up! You know I will be dressed to the Nines!

Multiplication Songs

Schedule for Spirit Week: Starting Monday, March 2nd
Monday  Pajama day
Tuesday Twin day
Wednesday  Character day
Thursday Retro/Old fashion day
Friday Owl Day/Blue and White

Owl of the Week
Monday: "What Did they Say?" Dialogue Activity
Tuesday: Math Reasoning Activity
Wednesday: IXL Math Grade 4 B.9Estimate sums: word problems C.7Estimate differences: word problems
Thursday: Math Mystery Machines Activity
Friday: Go out the mountains and have fun... No, wait. That is my homework! Your homework is to give your mom and dad a big hug and read a funny story to them!

Making Weather Vanes and recording our temperatures (of the air of course)!

 Hassaan is clearly the sun, as JunHyeok guides the Earth (Junke) to rotate and revolve. 
 Math Centers!

We love math centers! Factors of 300, solving word problems, and solving equations. 
No, it is not raining in the room. It is Braelyn's spy mobile. Thanks for sharing!
 Field Trip: Taskent Weather Station "Hamza"
 Left: Measuring the ground temperature.
Right: Gauze is how they "catch" and collect air samples to measure the air quality.
 Left: Rain gauge, or collector.
Right: So you think it's hot? Well, in the box are 4 thermometers. The station reports the temperature in the "shade", rather than in direct sunlight (which can get up to 70 degrees Celsius)!

 Inside, we find old tools, pictures, and the history of the weather station in Uzbekistan.
Very cool stuff!

 We did the movement of Earth's rotation and revolution around the sun with our bodies, but this time we did it with a light bulb (sun) and a globe (Earth) to learn why we have seasons on Earth. Did you know the tilt of the Earth is what causes the seasons? Cool Fact!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Margaret, Volume 25: February 23, 2015

Hello! This is a short blog post that includes this week's homework and some school spirit news. Enjoy the week!

Monday: Suffix activity
Tuesday: Grammar activity
Wednesday: IXL Math Grade 4 D.3Choose the multiples of a given number up to 12 and D.4Identify factors
Thursday: Quotation Marks and Underlines Worksheet
Friday: Rest while reading a book

Next week, STUCO, our student-led organization is sponsoring Spirit Week! Please join in the silliness and embrace TIS! The wackiness begins Monday, March 2nd!

Monday  Pj’s day
Tuesday Twin day
Wednesday  Character day
Thursday Retro/Old fashion day

Friday Owl Day/Blue and White

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Beginner group. 

Grade 4 beginners learned a greeting rhyme in Russian. Now we are able to say it perfectly!!! Watch us!

Intermediate group. 

Russian Intermediate students are finishing their project with the thick conversational Russian book through which they have been learning new vocabulary, grammar phenomena and parts of speech.

Advanced group.

На уроках литературы мы читаем рассказы и повести детских писателей, если есть экранизация этого произведения,то просматриваем его.Следующий этап нашей работы- обсуждения, ответы на вопросы (письменно или устно) и заключительная часть – записываем краткое содержание прочитанного произведения.  У каждого студента есть папка по литературе,  куда он складывает все свои материалы. Также учим стихотворения русских современных и классических поэтов.
В классе русского языка есть небольшая библиотека. Ребята могут приходить и брать книги на дом. Домашнее чтение очень повысит технику чтения вашего ребёнка и расширит его кругозор. 
Мы подключились к юнитуWeather”  ребята научились описывать временна года по тематическим картинкам. Они использовали знакомую лексику и грамматические структуры для того, чтобы написать эссе о сезонах.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Barbara, Volume 24: February 16, 2015

Hey, Hassaan and Christopher. How is that acrostic weather poem going?
Such a cool week! We continued our study of weather. We talked a lot about what weather is, what climate is, and discussed how they are related. So many new vocabulary words are flying around that students are using the books and dictionaries to find the meaning of them. Also, we took a look at specific elements of weather, like temperature and learned how to read a thermometer using both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Additionally, we have strategically placed thermometers all around campus. Each morning and afternoon, students are recording their heat/cold in the air (temperature). We have begun to build our own weather vanes to measure the direction of the wind on campus. Finally, we are listening the book "Clouds" and creating our own cloud book that represents what clouds are, how they change and are formed, and the different types of clouds. Yes; that is a lot of weather experimenting!

To help us with reading the thermometers and other Science topics, we are using "landmarks" or important numbers in our place value system (i.e. 2, 5, 10, 100, etc.) to help us manipulate the 100 chart and solve addition and subtraction equations. Students have played a Fantastic Frogurt Forever game, in which students practice this concept. To show their understanding of landmarks, they also have created a Two-Voice poem. This type of poem is created when two people speak independently and also simultaneously. The dialogue they create can go back and forth. It is really fun to hear. Ask your child about it! Students also have been working on factors and multiples of 100. They built some super cool "packages", or buildings that had to be made up of 100 pieces of "chocolate". This helped show their understanding of different multiples, factors, and equations to equal 100.

I have posted March's book sharing guidelines. Please read them carefully. I am a huge fan of films, so I look forward to the creative Marquee posters!

Owl of the Week

Homework for Monday, Tuesday:
Monday:  Temperature Reading practice
Tuesday:  Reading a Weather Map practice.

No homework over break.  See new things!  Go outside!  If the weather is challenging your outdoor activities, do an indoor project!

Google+ created this. I hope the link works:)

 "W" for weather acrostic  poems.
 Probability games that students created and played last Friday.
 Above and below, students work on rhyming couplets.

 Math rocks!
 Working on multiples and factors of 100.
 Adli during Math; and Hassaan and others work researching during library about different climates across the world.  
 Is that Ms. Sayyora, or Ms. Braelyn checking out books??
 Working with cold and hot elements to measure temperature!

 Placement is important when finding the perfect spot for your morning and afternoon temperatures.

 Barbara and Junke share their February mobile! Nice work!
 How can we use multiples, or factors, of 100 to help us?
Left: Visited the 5th grade Energy museum. Right: Ekaterina and Margaret perform a two-voice poem in math!