Fractions are like aliens, they can invade our lives at any time. You have been warned. |
A lovely several weeks we have had. So much learning has been happening at such a frantic pace. Still, we overcame with laughter, fun, and sense of communal kindness and care. This post will be rather lengthy, in that it includes photos for basically the entire month's learning. Sit back, slow down, take a deep breath, and sit and relax with your child as you peruse them. Enjoy the week!
Enjoy reading 20 minutes each night and then...
Monday: Start your weekly goods and services list. Discuss it with your parents.
Tuesday: Keep up with your goods and services list. In your UOI notebook, write about the last thing you bought with your own money and why you bought it?
Wednesday: IXL Choose any one that interests you and that you have not done. Have fun!
Thursday: Finish your goods and services lists. In your UOI notebook, what does this list show about what your family needs and wants?
Friday: Eat some cherries and strawberries at the same time, while relaxing on a pillow with a book.
Secret handshakes and Exhibition showcase.
Exhibition and what appears to be a TV made of human beings.
Words can not describe those faces.
Field Trip to Rakhimov Pottery Studio.
I create with my hands.
Looking at different vessels and creations for creative inspiration.
Let's create!
Sharing is caring, especially with pottery tools.
Trying to keep your hands wet, so the clay does not stick to your pads is tough.
Steady as she goes
I will one day drink from this.
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
Can you hear the wolf in your dreams?
It's Turtle!
Whistles and bowls. What is next?
Puzzle pieces and then some lunch in a whispering garden.
Imagination never ceases.
Book shares!
We finally got a mic for book share!
Makey-Makey: Go to the website and then you will understand.
Book shares.
Book shares.
Sports day!
I guess sometimes we slip and knock the entire bucket over that we just filled with a wet sponge for the last 15 minutes.
Break 1: Ice cream and fruit.
Sports day is tiring...
and wacky.
Relaxing in the sun with friends is where it's at.
So, the ball goes into the hoop on its own, or do I just carry it around all day?
I think it is going in?
Throw like wolverines claws, water whipping everywhere.
Water dodgeball.
The game has officially collapsed and we are all soaking each other.
Only teachers were soaked, save for the students that hugged us afterwards.
Book share!
So, get this. 4th Grade ran hosted the second to last assembly of the school year.
Our magical hosts and their accompanying music trio.
The science group got the entire crowd moving.
The migration group inspired us all.
The poetry group moved us to one side of the room more than once. We had to listen carefully for poetic devices.
The raffle prizes were a hit. No one wants fake vanilla flavoring in their ice cream anymore, said the beaver butt juice.
Outro, the end of the assembly.
Launch of a new unit - an inquiry into How We Organize Ourselves.
Learning about the coincidence of wants and why barter used to work just fine - 300 years ago. Not so much anymore.
Trading for the right ingredients to make Hobnail Cookies.
Someone's getting hungry!
There was some thievery going on.
Is that a $100 bill?
Investigating why some people call money, "bling."
See, I told you there were a lot of germs on money.
It's red! Why is it red?
A play.
Is there any better way to learn about the history of money, other than act it out?
Don't cut my goat in half!
Fish does not last that long, so 'No" I will not make that trade. What will we do next? Stay tuned to find out more on the evolution of money.