Monday, January 12, 2015

NaYeon, Volume 19: January 12, 2015

Welcome Back
Words can not describe how good it feels to be back from Winter Break! We are back in roaring fashion as it is a super busy week. We have three guest speakers and a field trip to the US Embassy. 

In Math, we are creating a comic book called Are You an Average 4th Grader? Using our knowledge of collecting and organizing data (e.g. line plots, graphs) students will find the mean, median, mode, and range of data they collect from every student in 4th grade! 

Our Unit of Inquiry on migration has been intriguing, as we learn different human migration stories. Students are focusing on three lines of inquiry: Why do people migrate? How do people migrate? What are the consequences of migration? We have guest speakers, Ms. Natalya, Ms. Gisela, and Ms. Magda this week to come and share their personal migration stories. Also, this Wednesday we have a field trip to the US Embassy to learn more about what it means and how people migrate to and from Uzbekistan. 

Our read-aloud last month, The City of Amber, was the first book in a trilogy. Students really loved it and are wanting more. Ask your child about it and you can read the next two in the series before bedtime. We really worked hard using text clues, re-reading, reading on, making inferences, and asking questions to learn the meaning of new words. You can do the same at home!

Book Sharing
We will continue our book sharing with February's Non-Fiction books. Please check the blog for guidelines for an awesome share.

Owl of the Week
More to come from NaYeon...

Please read 20 minutes each night:)
Monday: Math Activity- Calenders
Tuesday: Math Activity- Pictographs
Wednesday: IXL Math W.3 in Grade 4 Math section called "Mean, Median, Mode, Range"
Thursday: In your yellow writers notebook, write a response to "What makes a person cool?" In your response, try to write until you have completely expressed your thoughts! (So, write as much as you feel is necessary). You may include strategies that great writers use, like adding thoughts and feeling words to describe your thinking.
Friday: Read, Rest, Restore!

Save the Date!
Elementary dance party on Friday
Project 3580 update (dance fund raiser)
After-School Activities begin 1/12/15

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