Monday, April 3, 2017

Volume 27: 3 April 2017

Poetry and Performance.
A packed week of learning and fun. We start our unit in poetry - What is it? Where is it? How do others create it? How can we create it? Our culminating activity will be a recitation, or performance piece, of an original piece of poetry or already written poem. Before this, we will examine our inner hearts, voices, and minds and express ourselves through the written word - poetry. Our exploration will also reveal how poets use certain forms and devices to convey different meanings. More to come as it develops.

We also begin our examination of Geometry and how the world is shaped in, out, and around it. Discovering how shapes help "shape" our world, bring structure to it, and help us make sense of the world around us is fun. Get ready for a lot of shapes, lines, angles, formulas, and weird photographs of the world around us from a Geometric perspective.

In our new unit, themed How We Express Ourselves, we are tackle examining objects, or artifacts. More to come on this, as the students examine how we express ourselves.

Enjoy the week!
Homework This Week
READ READ READ and then...

Monday: North and South Pole Comparison. Bring in a drinking vessel for our new unit's Museum. You will get it back in 6 weeks!

Tuesday:  Relating Solids and Plane Figures  Bring in a drinking vessel if you have not already. Bring in a drinking vessel for our new unit's Museum. You will get it back in 6 weeks!

Wednesday: IXL, section W, Two Dimensional Figures

Thursday:  Subtraction Exercises for Skill and Speed

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday:  Plant a seed in your garden or in a pot in  your house. Then Sing to it every day until it grows!

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