In math, we are learning about area and perimeter. So far, students have been using their background knowledge to build on the many ways the perimeter of a shape can be applied to real-life situations. Ask your child about building a fence around a lawn on the smartboard! We used what we learned to make a table with cubes that would fit 24 students. It was super fun!
Of course, we started our study of area and perimeter by looking at non-standard and standard units, like a fathom. Ask your child if they would use non-standard, or standard units and why if they were to give someone directions in a recipe for baking a batch of cookies. See what interesting thoughts they have.
In reading, we have started a new Book Club book. Every group moved up one reading level because of their hard work. Yeah! While we are reading, we are recording character inferences so that we can have a deeper understanding of what is happening to characters and why they may behave in certain ways. Ask your child about what they are reading for book club and what they inferred that day about a character.
Book presentations seem to get better and better. Have your child practice giving a summary of the book which includes only the main events and characters. A play-by-play, or detailed sequence of the novel is not needed. This is an important skill, being able to summarize a story in an organized way by giving the main idea and supporting it with only important details.

Isabelle and Junke show off their Can-o-puppets!
Student-Led conferences were a blast. I have been sending follow up emails with detailed activities, or ideas, you can do at home to support your child's goal. Stay-tuned, as I am still sending them out. I have also included pictures from the conference day at the end of this blog post, so you can save them if you wish.
I have yet to receive any action based upon our study of human body systems from you. Here at school, however, Hassaan and Junke decided to incorporate both the digestive and circulatory system into a diagram in Art (left). This is an example of students taking their learning and connecting it to other areas of their lives. This is ACTION! Email me, or send me pictures of action that you notice outside of school and I will add it to the blog!
Owl of the Week
Technology at Home
Many parents have asked about how to use specific apps, web sites, and other technology at home so that it supports learning at school. Seth, Ms. D, and Liz are having a Parent Coffee Morning to share ideas such ideas and answer your questions. Be sure to check it out.
Remember to read 20-30 minutes each night. This is part of many student's goals to improve their reading and math skills!
Monday: Math Measurement- In your Math Journal, find and record 3 objects' perimeter and area in centimeters using the ruler you brought (and will bring back) from school. Please choose flat surfaced objects. If you need a refresher of Area & Perimeter, watch video on area and perimeter. Also, look in your notes from today.
Tuesday: Reading for Comprehension- In a paragraph, write the main idea and 3-5 supporting details of the book your reading at home. Please write this in your blue Reader's notebook.
Wednesday: IXL Area & Perimeter. P.19-P.20. If you finish before 30 minutes, please you should give P.21 try:)
Thursday: Read for Comprehension- Skeletal system
Friday: Rest, Rejuvenate, and Read!
Wednesday: IXL Area & Perimeter. P.19-P.20. If you finish before 30 minutes, please you should give P.21 try:)
Thursday: Read for Comprehension- Skeletal system
Friday: Rest, Rejuvenate, and Read!
Upcoming Events
November 13 - 16 CEESA Cross Country Meet, Bulgaria
November 20 - 22 High School Drama Production
November 23 TIS Cross Country Meet, Tashkent
November 27 American Thanksgiving - Half Day
November 28 After-School Activities End - Trimester 1
December 3 TIS Ltd Board Meeting
December 4 - 5 Elementary Drama Production
December 8 Uzbekistan Constitution Day - NO SCHOOL
December 12 Secondary Winter Concert
December 16 Elementary Winter Concert
December 22 - January 11 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 12 Classes resume
After-School Activities Begin - Trimester 2
January 23 End of the First Semester
January 26 Start of the Second Semester
January 28 Staff Professional Development - Half Day
TIS Ltd Board Meeting
Student-Led Conference Pictures
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