You may need to sit down because this week's learning in pictures is pretty hysterical! Enjoy!
Everyone was pretty excited to see me again. This is actually morning work. Yeah...We have fun.
Fetal pig dissection. It really was all systems go as we looked at similarities between a pig's anatomy and human anatomy.

Book Presentations have been great his month. JiSu and Reagan share their Cup of Characters. Great work!
This may look like chaos, but here is our investigation into the nervous, muscular, skeletal, and other systems. We did six centers and students tried a variety of things to learn how different systems work together without them even knowing. I strongly recommend you try this at home for fun!

Above: Our brain telling us to go straight for the money. Why is that? Left: Anthony, Olga, and Junke try to stand up without leaning forward or using their hands. Try it if you think it's easy. Right: Christopher and Braelyn try to lift a chair using only 1 leg and 1 hand. What systems do you think are they using? Below: Khwahish and Isabelle trying to get the money. Below-Left: Adli and Barbara moving their hand before the eraser falls to hit their hand. What's your distance? Below: Braelyn and Christopher trying again it as well.
Action... abroad!
Inquiry learning takes full meaning with students begin to make changes to their environment and within themselves. You may notice your child mentioning something, asking questions, or trying new things that we are learning about it school. Please email, take a picture, or let me know about this! We want to share these real-life changes and actions with everyone! Remember, no question or action is too small! I'm relying on YOU! I look forward to hearing about it!
Right now look for action in... Human Body systems. Has your child made you change your diet? Choose a different food to eat? Run and check his/her pulse? Try to make you catch a sum and laugh? These are some activities we've been doing to understand functions of many systems coming together to make the human body work.
Owl of the Week
Monday: No School
In your reading journal, Write about your first day of reading group.
Reflect on the book you are reading, and how your group functioned (worked together).
Give concrete examples from the book and from your group's interactions.
Wednesday: IXL- Multiplication: D.1. Multiplication Facts to 12 and D.5 Multiply 1-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers (We will be checking, so please be sure to complete tonight!)
Thursday: Measurement worksheet.
Remember to read 20-30 minutes each night with your child. It is an expectation, but more importantly your child needs it. Practice is so important.
Upcoming Events
November 10 Staff Professional Development - NO SCHOOL
November 10 - 13 Adaptive Schools Leadership Seminar at TIS
November 13 - 16 CEESA Cross Country Meet, Bulgaria
November 20 - 22 High School Drama Production
November 23 TIS Cross Country Meet, Tashkent
November 27 American Thanksgiving - Half Day
November 28 After-School Activities End - Trimester 1
December 3 TIS Ltd Board Meeting
December 4 - 5 Elementary Drama Production
December 8 Uzbekistan Constitution Day - NO SCHOOL
December 12 Secondary Winter Concert
December 16 Elementary Winter Concert
December 22 - January 11 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 12 Classes resume
After-School Activities Begin - Trimester 2
January 23 End of the First Semester
January 26 Start of the Second Semester
January 28 Staff Professional Development - Half Day
TIS Ltd Board Meeting
November 10 Staff Professional Development - NO SCHOOL
November 10 - 13 Adaptive Schools Leadership Seminar at TIS
November 13 - 16 CEESA Cross Country Meet, Bulgaria
November 20 - 22 High School Drama Production
November 23 TIS Cross Country Meet, Tashkent
November 27 American Thanksgiving - Half Day
November 28 After-School Activities End - Trimester 1
December 3 TIS Ltd Board Meeting
December 4 - 5 Elementary Drama Production
December 8 Uzbekistan Constitution Day - NO SCHOOL
December 12 Secondary Winter Concert
December 16 Elementary Winter Concert
December 22 - January 11 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 12 Classes resume
After-School Activities Begin - Trimester 2
January 23 End of the First Semester
January 26 Start of the Second Semester
January 28 Staff Professional Development - Half Day
TIS Ltd Board Meeting
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