Friday, August 22, 2014

Adli, Volume 2: September 25, 2014

What a fabulous first week!

It has been a pleasure getting to know everyone. Each student brings something unique that makes them "perfect!" I say this because our first read aloud is "How to be Perfect in just 3 Days". Hilariously, the main character Milo transforms from a person who always "tries to be perfect" to just being who himself - perfect the way he is. Great insights from our community have already been shared about being who are you, having empathy for others, and always keeping an open mind. 

Getting ready for the day

On Safari

Mystery items! 

Mingling with Ms. Tina's community

In math we have started to dig into place value and will continue our investigation with the game Close to 100 and others this week. We will focus on how to "argue" mathematically with each other, using vocabulary, listening to others thinking, and justifying our answers with multiple solutions.

In writers, we began our sourcebook and reviewed the beginning of the writing process. We will continue this and complete the writing process with our first piece of the school year inspired by the prompt: What was the greatest thing you did this summer?

Most excitingly, we begin our first Unit of Inquiry on Sharing the Planet: Food. Our central idea is providing food is complex and presents challenges. This week we had a taste of it during our traditional Uzbek tea party. We learned to never throw bread away, as it is sacred to Uzbek people. Also, to always pour just a little tea in each person's cup to ensure they will want to stay for more! Over raisins, nan (traditional Uzbek bread), and tea we also practiced some common Uzbek greetings. Students practiced bowing and saying "Assalomu Aleykum" which translates to "I wish you a good day."

Uzbek tea anyone...?

Our inquiry continues this week as we dive into books, images via our mini-ipads, and other websites. Be sure to check out our wonder wall and more during this Wednesday's Open House!

Owl of the Week: 

Hi! My name is Adli Nashashibi. I live in Uzbekistan with my mom, dad, sister, Tweet, and Butter. What excites me most about school is after-school activities. My favorite thing to do outside of school is to play on my computer. If I could change anything about the world, it would be to change war- Bows and arrows only. A person I admire is Noor because she is my sister. She is loyal. My favorite dinner is rice with meat and yogurt and my least favorite dinner is rice with meat and tomatoes.

Monday: Drops in the Bucket math worksheet; sign up for After-School Activities
Tuesday: Choose a piece of food from your kitchen. In your Unit of Inquiry (UOI) notebook, use that piece of food for a "See, Think, Wonder" activity of your own. See if you can come up with 3 sentences for each category! NOTE: Please bring back your UOI notebook Wednesday!
Wednesday: Close to 100 math activity; Open House 3:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Presentation in Mr. Mike's room 203 with Ms. Tina- It'll be a Whoot!)
Thursday: Choose a character from your personal reading. Write about something that the character does that shows his personality. Write about whether you would like to be friends with this person or not, and why.

*It is expected that every child read 20 minutes nightly to improve their fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and overall reading skills. Plus, reading is fun!
*Please note: Everyday a Take-Home folder must go to and from school.

Up-coming Events:
Wednesday, 8/27 Open House 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Monday, 9/1 No School Independence day
Friday, 9/5 Elementary School Camp out (Mr. Mike will be there to enjoy the stars! You should, too!)
Monday, 9/8 After-School Activities (ASA) begin
9/20 20th Anniversary of TIS Celebration
9/24 Teacher Professional Development - 1/2 Day
10/1 No School- Teacher's Day
10/6-1/13 No School- Fall break
10/23 Elementary Math Night
10/15 UN Day
10/29 Teacher Professional Development - 1/2 Day

Ways to Contact Me/School:
By appointment
Open-Door Policy (Thanks for signing in with the guards and main office before joining our community!)

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