Thursday, February 9, 2017

Our March Book Share is...

Animal Fiction

Example of a Marquee Poster.
  1. Pick a book in which an animal plays a key role.  This animal must exist in real-life on earth.  If the animal talks, or does other human-like actions, that is okay.
  2. Have that book OK’d by Mr. Mike.
  3. Read the whole book from cover to cover.  If you choose to change your book at any time, let your teacher know!
  4. Make a marquee poster for your book.  The design should:
·       be attention-grabbing and use the whole poster board
·       show reflection of the plot and main ideas of the book
·       list the main characters
·       contain encouraging words, or “teasers” about the book

One thing to do would be to go to a website for your favorite movie and look up the marquee poster.  Think of your book as a movie that you want to get people to experience. Make a plan, sketch it out first, then use markers, crayons and/or paint to create your design! Have fun!

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